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Writer's pictureBelgrade Turtle Cruise

Where to Eat in Belgrade- Cheap Eats/Street Food

Updated: Jan 4

One of the most frequent questions we get from our guests is -What are the best places to eat in Belgrade?

street food in belgrade

As there is no “one answer fits all” to this question, that’s why we’ve decided to compile a few lists of where you can find the best food in Belgrade. The idea is that anyone can find something to suit their needs.

This week we’ve decided to present to you some of our favourite Street Food/Cheap Eats Spots in Belgrade. These are perfect for all those who don’t want to miss out on anything Belgrade has to offer and are looking for a quick, tasty bite on the go.

street food in belgrade

Belgrade is often referred to as the New York of the Balkans, mostly in the sense that it never sleeps and people are always hungry, be it 5 PM or 5 AM. For that reason, people love grabbing a bite on the go. Street Food joints, Bakeries, and other fast food options are a brilliant, tasty solution for just about anyone who spends their day out and about. Considering there is such a high demand for quick bites, there are many options to choose from. But we’ve decided to focus on the most popular ones, as rated by the locals (us included).

LOKI - Classic Serbian Street Food

serbian barbecue loki

LOKI is a Serbian Barbecue Street Food joint with a long tradition. Founded in the nineties they’ve fed generations upon generations of Belgradians and tourists alike (Vlada Divac is a fan as well). Located in the City Centre (Dorćol to be exact), they are a must-visit after a night out. Just imagine, you’ve had a few drinks, your mind is a bit fuzzy from the alcohol and your stomach is churning and begging for a hearty meal. Where do you go…to LOKI of course!

pljeskavica loki belgrade

These people know what they’re doing, after so many successful years in the game, they have a proven formula to provide you with the best Serbian Barbecue Meals available. Just keep in mind, you might have to stand in line to get a piece of what they’re offering. That’s how popular they are!

serbian pljeskavica

Address: Strahinjića Bana 36, Belgrade, Serbia

Skadarlijke Kobasice - The After Party Street Food

skadarlija sausage belgrade

This is another place you should definitely put on your list. Even if you don’t, they are difficult to miss. These guys are located just out of Skadarlija Street, and that Bohemian Quarter is not something you want to skip on your visit to Belgrade. And when you’re done exploring and tasting some rakias you’ll most certainly stumble upon this fast food joint.

belgrade street food sausages

And when you do, you’ll be greeted by the enchanting smell of freshly prepared sausages, or hot-dogs if you will, (it’s an open kitchen, and you can see everything that goes into the preparation). There’s a variety of meats to choose from and a variety of condiments and spices that just add a little extra to the premium quality of these bad guys. This is yet another spot where a line is inevitable, but everything is prepared so quickly you won’t have to wait too long to get your hands on one of your own.

skadarlijske kobasice

Address: Skadarska 6, Belgrade, Serbia


potatos belgrade

These guys are fairly new to the Belgrade Street-Food game, but nonetheless, they are more than a worthy mention. Located in the popular Staklenac (where you can find about a dozen other street-food options), just across the street from the Republic Square, this is a “healthier” street-food spot. Their rise to fame can be entirely contributed to the amazingly delicious oven-baked (skin on) potatoes. Doesn’t sound too interesting, right? So what’s the catch?

belgrade street food

Well, the catch is in the extras/toppings. You can add just about anything to your potato. The base is always butter and melted cheese, then it’s your turn to make your potato a star! Everything ranging from cured meats, cheeses, pickles, sauces…and the list goes on. Your imagination is the limit (and the size of your potato)!

If you’re still not convinced they’re worth your time, I’ll just add a little extra. This place is crazily affordable, you get a big potato and an unlimited number of extras for 6$ (there are cheaper options with a limited number of those toppings, the starting price is 3$)

belgrade street food potatoes

Address: Makedonska 5, Belgrade, Serbia

If you decide to check out any of the above food joints in Belgrade, we'd love to hear what you think. You can reach us on Instagram and Facebook.

Cheers, until next time!

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